I have a confession. Building a house has taken over every little part of my brain. There is no available space to think about anything else. I have become a crazy person. (If you know me in real life, I don’t need your comments regarding my craziness. Thank you very much.)
We now have a foundation…. yay! Since we were adding on to an existing structure, we hired a surveyor to come and “lay out” our house. He used a transit to shoot the lines, so we know our house is as close to perfect as it can be.
Once that was all done, our friend Brad came and began the foundation work. They went to work with a mini-x to dig into the ground to create the footer. The concrete trucks came out and poured the footer, which is what the block will sit on.
The next step was laying the block. A crew came out and laid all the block out for the exterior walls of the house. The top of all the block has to be level and placed just right so that the walls work out.
We are building our house on a slab (instead of a crawlspace), so our plumber came out during the middle of the foundation process to “stub-out” our plumbing fixtures. This process was a little stressful to me. Once that concrete is poured, there is no changing anything plumbing related. Well, without a huge expense, anyways.
As soon as the plumbing was set, our block layers came back out to fill-in the rock. The whole foundation is filled with rock and then covered with a moisture barrier to keep any water from getting to the house. Concrete wire is placed inside the concrete to keep it from cracking.
Justin and my dad slipped out after dark (thanks to soccer schedules) to rough-in a little electrical. We will have a few outlets in the floor and these had to be put in before the concrete was poured.
Last, but not least, the concrete was poured and finished.
Our next step is framing the actual house, but our framer is a few weeks out before he can make it to us. So for now, we wait. {And I may or may not go sit on that concrete in my future living room and just grin like a crazy person.}
My friend and his wife want to build a home, but can’t decide on a design. You mentioned that you should figure out your style and try to keep it consistent. Do architects offer help with this type thing? I wonder if they have consulted with a professional to try and find what kind of style they like.
Hi Louise! Thanks for stopping by! Architects definitely know a lot about the building process and if you choose the right one, can make or break your building process!!