Today, I am the ripe old age of THIRTY-ONE. I’ve learned a lot in my time, and I thought I’d share with you thirty-one thoughts from thirty-one years of living. Last year, I recorded thirty lessons from thirty years and it was so fun to look back on what I had written. I expect this year’s post will be the same.
In honor of turning 31, in no certain order, here’s what I’ve learned:
1..Movie theater popcorn with extra butter is even better on the second day.
2. Happiness is not for sale. No amount of purchased items or experiences are going to make you happier–it comes from within.
3. Change isn’t always scary.
4. Someone else’s lunch is always better than your own. If I pack a ham sandwich with cheese and mayo and my co-worker packs a ham sandwich with cheese and mayo, hers will always look yummier.
5. Your job is not your life.
6. Having a hobby (or hobbies) is important.
7. Take care of your skin. Drink lots of water and use lotion regularly while you have good skin and hopefully, it will stay that way.
8. Lay down to take a nap and a)someone will stop by for an impromptu visit or b)our phone will ring….and ring… and ring.
9. That dream you have? Now is just as good a time as any.
10. Stop trying to be someone other than yourself.
11. It’s not selfish to make time for yourself.
12. Perfection isn’t a real thing. I stole my motto from the Nester: It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
13. Attempt to eat a taco going down the street and every light you hit will be green.
14. Go down the same street when you are in a rush and every light will be red.
15. It’s ok to disagree with others. It’s not ok to be mean about it.
16. God doesn’t give us what we want, He gives us what we need.
17. It’s ok to not be good at something.
18. God > Husband > Children, in that order.
19. Copying and pasting or sharing Facebook status does not prove or disprove my love for Jesus. Nor will it win me a million dollars.
20. Love your neighbors.
21. You can’t give 100% of yourself, 100% of the time. Choose what’s important and do your best at those things.
22. Learn to laugh at yourself.
23. Tell your children no. It won’t hurt them.
24. Name brands don’t matter. $12 leopard print rainboots from Zulily are just as good as the more expensive ones from Hunter.
25. Keep a journal.
26. Bathe your dogs and it’s going to rain. Write it down. Happens every. single. time.
27. I can do anything I want but I can’t do everything I want.
28. Life IS fair. Fair does not mean the same.
29. Selfies are OK, but no one wants to see your face on social media multiple times a day. Or even multiple days in a row. Less is more, in this case.
30. Who you surround yourself with matters. I recently heard the quote, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
31. Failure means you’re trying. Not everything will work out the way we want it too. Revamp and try again.
At thirty-one, I don’t have all the answers. I don’t even have half the answers. But I know I love this life I’ve been given and I want to live it to the fullest.
For more wisdom, read last years 30 Thoughts post.
This was great and yes, funny. Great reflections. Happy Birthday! 🙂
Thank you so much!