We kicked off January 2018 with Jase turning 3 and me turning 33.

In February, the girls in our family (plus Sherry) went to see Kelsea Ballerina and Walker Hayes in concert at the Alabama Theater.

March was highlighted by a family road trip to Texas (that deserves multiple blog posts of its own).

In April, we celebrated Easter.

May brought about Mother’s Day. Our school hosted Muffins with Moms and we hosted a Mother’s Day lunch at our house. Libby graduated from elementary school and began preparing to move to middle school.

June kicked off with a dance recital for Libby. We celebrated Father’s Day. We took a family trip to Navarre Beach and discovered a new favorite spot. We ended June with an early 12th birthday celebration for Kyndall.

In July, Libby celebrated turning 10 with a “glamping” party.

August brought the beginning of school for the girls and I. Libby moved over to the middle school and started 5th grade, while Kyndall returned to school after a brief virtual school hiatus and started 7th grade. Justin and I celebrated our 14th anniversary. Kyndall and I both started a new adventure with volleyball–her playing and me coaching.

In September, we attended an Alabama versus Auburn volleyball game in Tuscaloosa with Jess and Lily Kate to celebrate Lily Kate’s birthday. We also celebrated the wedding of two precious friends, Ryan and Emily.

October saw the beginning of middle school basketball for Kyndall. We packed Justin up and sent him to work disaster relief through AT&T in Florida for the remainder of 2018 (and some of 2019). The girls hosted their 3rd annual Halloween party at our house.

November brought a much needed visit from Justin (after him being gone for 5 whole weeks) and family Thanksgiving festivities.

In December, we celebrated Christmas (of course). We took our annual family trip to North Carolina to go snow-skiing (which deserves a post of its own!). And Justin turned the big 4-0!
During the year of 2018, our highs definitely outweighed the lows. I have learned that the older I grow, the faster time flies. I have learned that it takes a village to raise a family and I have the absolute best village ever. I have learned to enjoy each moment and I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store!
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