2024 was so full of things that I had to separate it into two posts. If you haven’t read part one, you may want to do that first. Part one covers January through June and part two covers July through December. Read on to enjoy the antics of the second part of our year!

We kicked July off with all the Independence Day celebrations. The entire Hall/West/Johnson family traveled to Orange Beach for summer vacation. Libby somehow developed pneumonia and stayed in the room sick the entire vacation. (2024 was not her year–broken arm + surgery and then a major bout of pneumonia that took WEEKS to get over!). Jase and Hayden’s matching tattoos. The boys went to watch the tractor pull and loved all the jacked-up trucks. Libby picked up her schedule and bought a locker for her JUNIOR year of high school, and then immediately celebrated her 16th birthday with all her friends and family.
August was a BUSY month. We celebrated Kyndall’s EIGHTEENTH birthday. I can’t believe my oldest baby is an official adult! She has the sweetest group of friends that came for dinner and to celebrate her. Jase, Justin, and Hayden went to youth night ballgame at Trash Panda Stadium. We had our first days of school. I am so thankful that my mom works at the same school and Jase can ride with her each day! This month, our sweet Lila had an emergency visit to the hospital, and Lib and I hung out by the ambulance bays to see her before she was transferred to Birmingham. We added a new member to our family– Buck Wild West. Mom and Mallory both celebrated birthdays. Kyndall started her Junior year of college and had two wedding showers. We kicked off high school football season, and spent every possible minute at the lake soaking up the last heat of summer.
In September, we celebrated Levi’s 21st birthday. We had a gender reveal for the sweet new baby joining our family and I’m getting a NIECE! We traveled to 30A for Kyndall’s bachelorette trip and had the BEST time, even if it rained most of the time we were there. Jase spent lots of time hunting anything that was in season– dove, squirrel, random black birds that are unfortunate enough to fly past our house. Libby was voted Junior Homecoming attendant. Pops and GraGra surprised Jase with a dirt bike– and Pops even got a matching one. We don’t have photo evidence, but of course they had to build a dirt bike track in the field in front of our house, so Jase has plenty of space to practice.
October kicked off with Grandparents Day at school. Jase is SO blessed to have both sets of grandparents and one set of great-grandparents to join him on these special days. After that, it was all things WEDDING. Kyndall and Levi got married in Hilton Head, SC, at the Hewitt Oaks venue. I could say SO much about this week and their special, day, but I’m going to save it for its own post! After a whirlwind week in SC, we came home just in time to host our annual Halloween party.
At the last football game of the season, Coach Suggs surprised Libby with her “bedazzled” football jersey. When she was in his class in 8th grade, she begged him to put her in as quarterback of the football team but insisted she needed a glittery jersey to play in. They have joked about it since then (4 years!) and this year, he bought her one with her name on it! I’m so thankful for him and other teachers who have invested in my kids’ lives throughout the years!
November was a bit slower, finally. On November 1st, Libby and the cheer squad participated in the Varsity Spirit Day at Auburn University. They were able to cheer during halftime of the Auburn vs Vanderbilt game. Kyndall and I had the honor and privilege of voting together for the first time. Pops and Jase spent time riding dirt bikes before the weather turns too cold. We hosted a “Happily Ever After” party for Kyndall and Levi– anyone who wasn’t able to travel to the wedding was invited to come back and see them in their wedding day attire. Basketball season kicked off this month and Mal is sporting the cutest baby bump. Libby, Chy, Kyndall, and I saw Jessie Murph in concert. We worked a few days hand-planting tulips for Forever Young Flower Farm. Libby hosted the sweetest Friendsgiving– I think they had more/better food than our family Thanksgiving!
In December, Libby and I both hosted and attended Winter Formal. Varsity cheer hosted it as a fundraiser and it was SUCH a fun event. Libby had the sweetest date. She couldn’t climb up in his truck because her dress was too short, so Landon lifted her and placed her in the seat every time they had to go somewhere. I love how sweet Hayden is with Jase-they have the best relationship! In the top right picture, Jase was upset after a ballgame and Hayden was giving him a pep talk =) This month, Libby was invited to go with the Simms family on a cruise to the Bahamas. (I’m hoping to recap their trip from Libby’s POV soon!) We had ALL the family Christmases and even hosted a “Cheer-mas” party. And of course, Jase squeeze in a little more hunting- duck hunting this time!
2024 in Review
2024 was such a GOOD year. I love writing these year in review posts because it reminds me of a few things. One, it reminds me that we are SO VERY blessed with our friends and family and the moments we get to experience. But two, it reminds me that even in the bad (Libby’s broken arm and pneumonia, deaths, etc.), we stick together and show up for each other and fight through to the other side. And THAT is a blessing all by itself. So, 2024 was a good year, and here’s to hoping that 2025 is even better!
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