Thirty-six weeks. I can’t even believe it. And while the first thirty-five weeks of the pregnancy absolutely flew by, I have a feeling the next few are going to take forever. I love being pregnant, I really do. But 40 weeks is a long time, ya’ll.
Baby size: Enormous. Oh wait, maybe that’s just me. According to the fruit and vegetable guide, he should only be about the size of a honeydew melon. Which seems tiny when you look at my gigantic belly.
Sickness: Holy heartburn! Twenty-four hours a day I feel like my chest and throat are on fire. It is ridiculous! (I had heartburn with both girls at the end, but nothing compared to this torture!)
Energy: Surprisingly, I still have a lot of energy. And I sleep very little, which should contradict this but it doesn’t.
Cravings: None. Which is a little disappointing. With both girls, I craved chocolate covered raisins. Food is supposed to be so good when you’re pregnant, and it’s just not to me. (Unfortunately, this has not affected my weight gain at all.)
Phrases heard recently:
From Libby, while playing board games with both girls and Justin–“Let’s go in order from smallest to biggest. Mama, you’ll go last.”
From the Vietnamese lady at the nail salon–“You’re delivering where? Huntsville is a much better hospital.” (<–Funny, I don’t remember asking her opinion….)
Feeling: Oh-So-Ready. My ankles have disappeared. My toes look like sausages. The constant heartburn. Too many Braxton Hicks contractions to count. Pregnancy is not for the weak. But above all that, I am SO ready to hold my sweet boy. I am so ready to watch the girls be big sisters. And I am so ready to adjust to life as a family of five.
All the necessary things are ready. I still need to wash/iron Jase’s clothes for the hospital and get bags packed, but I’ll wait another week or so for that. I’m afraid if I do it too early I’ll jinx myself and he’ll wait to appear after his due date.
Previous baby bump posts:
Clothes washed and in suitcase ready to go.