As part of September, I am joining the “Blog-tember Challenge” with Bailey at Brave Love Blog. My goal is to blog each weekday during the month of September. Some days, I will join in with Bailey’s topic of the day and other days I will create my own. Today’s topic? Introduce yourself.
Hi there! I’m Courtney and this is my little corner of the internet. If you are new here, welcome. If you are a seasoned reader, stay with me! {You may learn a little something you didn’t know before! Wink, wink.}
I am 31 years old. I met my husband, Justin, when I was 18 and we were married very soon after that. (Hey, when you know, you know.) We celebrated our twelfth anniversary in August.
We have three-point-five children and live on a farm in Alabama, on land my family has owned for 70-plus years.
Kyndall is ten and just moved over to the middle school. She plays soccer and basketball and is currently a volleyball manager. (At our school, volleyball doesn’t start until 7th grade!) She adores animals of all kinds and is determined to be a marine biologist when she grows up.
Libby is eight and in the third grade. She loves clothes and singing and, most recently, dancing. She doesn’t catch, hates to sweat, and carries her purse with her everywhere she goes. She has the biggest heart and wants to include everyone in everything.
Jase will be two in January and he has our entire family wrapped around his little finger. {This is his “cheese” face!} He is the first boy in a long line of girls. Add this to the fact that he has two older sisters who adore him and you can imagine how spoiled rotten he is. His personality is just starting to emerge and he loves showing off his ‘tricks’, which include winking, fist-bumping, and making animal noises.
Jaden is our God-son. {That’s where the point-five kids comes in.} We met he and his mom about three years ago and fell instantly in love with both of them. Jaden is ten and in the fifth grade. He loves soccer and playing Clash Royale. He is always offering to help and sometimes I think Jase loves him even more than me!
Our Life
Ten years ago, we built a small home in the middle of the family farm. Seven years ago, we bought a house closer to town and school. Six months ago, we sold our house in town and moved back to the farm. As of today, we are preparing to build our forever home and I could not be more excited. Plans have been drawn, inspiration gathered, and papers signed. We are officially in the building phase and I plan to share every single step with you!
On the farm, we have chickens, guineas, cows, a horse, and a mini-donkey named Taco. The cows aren’t ours (they belong to my granddad) but we hope to have a few head of our own cattle soon. We have a huge garden (x3) and two large ponds stocked with fish.
I love my Jesus, my family, and my coffee. I am the Library Media Specialist at our local school and I truly believe I have the best job ever. I love to read and write and run (although I haven’t made time to run in quite a long time!).
If you want to know even more about me, you can visit my 100 Happy Things list or check out this post.
Happy September, ya’ll!
Good luck building AGAIN! Bart
Thank you!!
So glad you’re linking up!!
Thank you! I’m excited!