Reading… Friction by Sandra Brown, Anything by Jennie Allen, and Wonder by RJ Palacio. This whole reading-multiple-books things is new to me, but I am really enjoying it. Wonder I read at school, because it is juvenile fiction and I’m considering sharing it with my fourth graders. Friction I read anytime, because it is relaxing, but also really suspenseful and has a strong plot. Anything is taking me a while. It is so good but it’s the kind you need to savor and underline and re-read. I mainly read it at night, and no more than one chapter at a time.
Playing… lots of board games for our family game nights. Our weeks have been so rushed with soccer and gymnastics and piano and church, we are intentionally making Friday our rest-up, spend time together night. We’ve played Zingo, Jenga, Clue, and Monopoly. (PS: Monopoly is the game that never ends. It is sooo not my favorite!)
Watching… Fixer Upper. I almost put ‘nothing’ as my answer. I have watched a total of three tv shows in the last two weeks and all three were Fixer Upper episodes that were recorded on the DVR.
Cooking… cinnamon tostadas. Oh my stars. They are simple and delicious. Take a tortilla, spread butter (yes butter!) on both sides, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake at 315 degrees for 10 minutes.
Eating… my weight in those cinnamon tostadas. I can’t stop!
Drinking…TONS of water. I’m still nursing, so the more water I drink, the more milk I make. Somedays I feel like my eyeballs are floating, but it really makes a huge difference.
Texting…Justin. Anna, Emily and Lisa. My sister.
Pinning…home ideas. We are so out of room in our current home, but we aren’t sure where we want go or what we want to do from here. I have four different Pinterest boards to correspond with our four different ‘housing’ options. It kind of consumes me right now.
Going… to see Taylor Swift in October. The girls are so very excited. We got them these concert tickets for Christmas, so they’ve only had to wait almost 10 months. That’s all.
Loving…this fall weather we are having. It’s is my absolute favorite. Give me a snuggly jacket and a cup of coffee and life is good.
Thinking… it is going to take me much longer to be conversational in Spanish that I had planned. I don’t know if you guys know this or not, but there are a lot of words. A lot.
Feeling… like I could sleep for a week Anyone else?
Listening (to)… The Happy Hour podcast with Jamie Ivey. Each episode, Jamie has a guest (like Jen Hatmaker, Emily Freeman, Latasha Morrison) on the show and they just chat. It reminds me of when my girlfriends and I get together, only its people who have written books or speak at women’s conferences and are generally much wiser than me.
Ordering…Christmas presents!! I know it’s only September, but I’m such a procrastinator. I’m trying to get a head start this year.
Considering… where I want this blog to go in the future. I’m thinking a redesign is in order. I also want to reach out to a few companies I love and create partnerships. I want to get more serious about the business side of things.
Enjoying… Bible journaling with Libby. She bought a journaling bible and cover with her own money. We both love sitting down and talking about a verse and then planning out how to illustrate it. Kyndall doesn’t have a journaling bible yet (or want one!) but she listens in and adds to our conversations, so I’ll take it.
What are you guys currently eating/reading/listening to? Catch me up in the comments!
I’m currently loving crock pot weather!!
I love crock pot food, but I don’t do well cooking crock pot food unless it’s soup. My meat always gets to dry. What’s your secret?