If you follow me on the social medias, you know that we (and by we, I mean Justin) have been redoing the space above our mantel. When we moved into the house, the previous owners had their TV sitting on the mantel. Not wanting to put to much thought into it, we just copied them 🙂 Up until last weekend, our mantel looked like this:
Excuse the girls in this photo, they are just doing a little yoga 🙂
In all seriousness though, I forgot to take a “before” picture. I don’t know about you, but I’m not in the habit of taking pictures of my TV. But if you look around those yogini’s in the above picture, you can see that the TV is just sitting on the mantel. The cable and Bose sound boxes are sitting on a coffee table to the right, and all those ugly wires are running down the side of the fireplace. Gorgeous, right?
After a few days of work, this is the new view:
Justin built a shelf so that our cable and Bose sound boxes could sit safely under the TV. All the wiring is in the back and out of sight, as it should be. I still need to add some decor to the mantel, but I think it looks 100% better already!
Public disclaimer: This is a project Justin has wanted to tackle for a while, but I’ve been to nervous to let him. I’m not quite sure what I was afraid of, but I obviously need to have more confidence in his handy man skills 🙂
Looks great!!!