You guys, I am not a patient person. I am not a stick-with-it kind of girl. I am a great initiator of things, but not so great at the follow-through. I tend to jump in with both feet to new projects and plans. When I make my mind up about something, I wanted it done yesterday. When I read, I devour chapters at a time, usually finishing books in a day or two.
Maybe that’s why I’ve had such a hard time finishing Anything by Jennie Allen. It’s a book that calls for slow reading and savoring. Lots of inner reflection and heart analysis and note taking.
I’ve picked it up four or five times now and found myself halfway through, with no real takeaway. I know from multiple reviews (and even my own rapid reads) that this book is a game-changer. So I’m picking it up again, this time with the goal of studying. I’m underlining and note taking and reflecting. And this sentence captured my attention: Knowing about God isn’t the same as Knowing God.
Who do I believe God is? Outside of my church, outside of my parents beliefs and my husbands beliefs and my baptist upbringing. Who do I, personally, believe He is?
I believe God is good.
I believe He is all-powerful.
I believe He listens to our prayers, each and every one of them.
I believe He has the ability and power to answer those prayers, but doesn’t always choose to do so in ways we expect.
I believe His will is perfect and that it comes first, before my earthly desires.
I believe He is a jealous God and detests when I put other things before Him.
I believe that God is not scared of my questions or doubts of fears. He knows who He is and He wants me to bring any uncertainties that I have to Him.
I believe God has a sense of humor.
I believe God loves everyone, regardless of past mistakes, current mistakes, religious preference, or sexual preference.
I don’t know what I believe about this whole predestination thing.
I don’t know why God lets bad people do bad things, but I do know He has a reason. I’m pretty sure that reason is beyond my level of wisdom.
I don’t know everything there is to know about God, and maybe I never will. But my knowledge of Him and my relationship with Him is an ever-changing, always-growing kind of thing.
Who do you say God is?
Hi Courtney. I hopped over here from Lori Harris’s blog. “Anything” is on my list of new reads as well. I’ve read a few excerpts and it seems like a game changer – so much that I’m kind of afraid to read it. Would be curious to hear what you think when you finish it.
I’ll be sure to let you know Lisa. I’m about halfway through right now and it’s good. Not game changing yet, but definitely good.