A few days ago, I was perusing this awe-inspiring blog over at Thistlewood Farms. Karianne was telling the story of baking her then-boyfriend, now husband, pancakes. It was like deja vu, I'm telling you. So when I got an email from the lovely Karianne asking me to share my story, I ...
A birthday story, part one
Four years ago today, we headed to Huntsville Hospital to meet our 2nd baby girl. I was scheduled to be induced that morning, and my first labor had gone very quickly, so we all headed over bright and early. All being all the grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. We got to HH and ...
Birthday Party Bash **Warning: Photo Overload**
This year, the girls decided to have their party at Chuck-E-Cheese. It drove my little planning-heart crazy to let someone else do everything, but I gave in. They were so excited. I think the biggest thrill for them was getting to go into the "Ticket Blaster" and catch as many ...
An adventure
Adventures are always so much fun! A little scary, but mostly, lots of fun. Carrie and I started talking about a little adventure a few weeks ago. That little adventure has grown, like all good adventures do, into a full-blown amazing thing. A few weeks ago, we decided to ...
Birthday Surprises
Birthday's are always so much fun!! I love that, for my girls, they get to have "birthday weeks" instead of just a day! Earlier this week, we got chickens for the girls. Birthday surprise numero uno. Today, Pops and Gra-Gra took the girls to pick out bicycles. Birthday ...
Summer Wishes
Some days, I wish I could send my girls to daycare. They need a break from each other, and I need a break from them. Today has NOT been one of those days. Days like today make me seriously consider homeschooling. I so want to soak up days like today. Our day went something like this. I woke up ...