Ever heard of Barn Light Electric? They are a light company that has tons of super cute lights, and right now they are having a contest for bloggers. They are giving away a $1000 gift certificate to a lucky winner. Second place gets $500 and third place gets $250. I never win anything, ...
On Sunday, we went with a few of our favorite people to see the new movie, Brave. It was super cute and had a great moral lesson--Don't be disrespecting your mama!! :)These kids are so great at taking pictures--I guess they are somewhat used to it :)Then, Sunday night, we started a new class ...
A friendly little wager
After another fun-filled day at the pool, soaking up the sun, the girls and I came home to sort money. Justin has this gallon sized jug that he drops his change into each day, and lately, it's overflowing. So we divided all the money out until it looked like this:And then we all made ...
Written on the Wall
The West family is considering a few MAJOR changes right now. We (Justin and I) feel that these things are in God's plan, but would REALLY like a little assurance in some way. I "coincidentally" came upon this song by Todd Agnew. The chorus is like this:I ...
A birthday party
Happy birthday to my Daddy!! He turned a ripe old 39 today! (Just kidding, he's a tad older than that, but we'll keep it a secret!) Here he is with all his girls:We celebrated his happy years with a dinner at my parents house and a homemade peach cobbler. Yummy :) Happy birthday to ...
A Wedding Story
Last night, Justin and I went to a wedding in Florence (the first of three that we will be attending this summer....guess it's wedding season for our friends!). One of my sweet friends from high school got married, and it was so much fun seeing several of the people that I graduated ...