You guys, Friday. Friday is the last day of the school year for us teachers and I think the angels will sing. Jen Hatmaker posted the absolute truth about May on her facebook page the other day. As a teacher AND a mother, I could ditto her words. Today, my mind is on summer, so I thought I would ...
Five On Friday 003
You guys, we are sitting at NINE days until school is out for the summer. My brain can't even form a coherent sentence. I'm preparing to inventory 16,000 books. I'm completing piles and piles and piles of end of the year paperwork. I'm trying to salvage years old technology so that it will (fingers ...
Five on Friday 002
Five on Friday is my new favorite way to wrap-up what we've been doing this week. I began with episode 001 last week and I'm sharing five more exciting things we've been doing this week! one. Muffins with Mom. I'm very thankful for an amazing PTO president who organizes so many great events ...
Fixer Upper, In Progress
The number one rule of tackling a fixer upper: It will take much longer than you planned. We moved in with my parents at the end of February, planning to stay no longer than two months. Here it is May and we are looking at at-least two more weeks of work. First, the renters stayed a little ...
Thoughts on a Beauty Pageant
You guys, this weekend could be called "The One With All The Pageants." Seriously, we attended not one but two school beauty pageants. Generally, I am not a fan of beauty pageants. I think the whole idea of judging a girl on her 'beauty' by a two minute walk across a stage is preposterous. ...
Five on Friday 001
I feel like with all the house posts and Stitch Fix reviews and other super-important stuff, I've neglected sharing the day-to-day family things that I love sharing on this blog. (Don't get me wrong, I love sharing the house posts and Stitch Fix reviews and other super-important stuff too. I just ...