Wednesday morning began much like the rest of the week. Everyone up, showers, breakfasts. Today, Meme came to the house to keep Jase, so I didn't have to pack his bag or get him dressed for the day. Libby whined all morning long about a sore throat. (Libby isn't usually the best at mornings so I ...
Week in the Life: Tuesday Words + Photos
Tuesday morning, my alarm went off at 5:30. Ten minutes later, I rolled out of bed and hit the shower. Typically, our morning routine is the same. I wake up first and get my shower. Justin wakes up and gets dressed, then wakes the kids up and supervises their getting dressed. I do everybody's ...
Week in the Life, Monday Words + Photos
Monday morning dawned dark and early. Thanks to the time change, there was no gorgeous sunrise peeking through my window like I've gotten used to. Mallory has teacher observations this week and since we are sharing a bathroom with her right now, I had to get up a little earlier than usual, ...
Week In The Life, Sunday Words + Photos
This week, I'm documenting a 'Week In The Life' of the Wests. A Week in the Life is a project started by Ali Edwards (of scrapbooking fame). I try to document a week in our lives twice each year--once in the spring and once in the fall. It usually coincides with Daylight Savings Time, somehow. Way ...
February Books
Every month I do a round-up of all the books I've read. My goal for the year is 60 books and I'm cruising along pretty well towards that goal. (Spoiler alert: As of this post, I have already read five books for March and it's only halfway through the month!) I read five books in January and five ...
Babies Wearing Glasses
Last Tuesday, my sweet baby boy got some new spectacles. I hate that he can't see well and needs them, but dang it, babies wearing glasses is just the cutest thing! Our regular pediatrician, Dr. Hull, does a routine eye check at 6 months. They use a little computer to scan the babies eyes. ...