Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, Justin's granddad passed from this earth. In the coming days, the family will plan his funeral and lay him to rest. Papaw was an amazing man and today, I want to celebrate his life. I want to celebrate the love he had with Mamaw. Together, they were one ...
Thanksgiving, Football, and Advent
Last night, we celebrated Thanksgiving, round #4. Justin's family came to the house for turkey, dressing (that's what us southerners call stuffing), and the works. In the past few days I have had pumpkin pie, chocolate chip poundcake, butterfinger pie, and oreo cheesecake. In other news, that ...
Anything by Jennie Allen, Take Two
I have now made it about halfway through Anything by Jennie Allen. I told you a few weeks ago that I was taking my time, savoring and learning as I read. It's so good, you guys. If you haven't read it, you should. There is so much information in this book of hers. This is the first book of ...
Five Friday Favorites: Christmas
Today's Five Friday Favorites is brought to you by the holiday season. I made a deal with myself to have all my Christmas shopping completed before December 1 and y'all, I am struggling! I can't decide what to get everyone. I have researched and online shopped until I am pooped already. So ...
That’s What She Said, October edition
This is our monthly installment of the silly, weird things my family has said during the month of October. Enjoy! While curling Libby's hair, I accidentally hit the top of her head with the end of the curling iron. She got all upset and said, "Mama, I'm calling WHR." Sweet girl, I think ...
My Reflections on Anything by Jennie Allen
You guys, I am not a patient person. I am not a stick-with-it kind of girl. I am a great initiator of things, but not so great at the follow-through. I tend to jump in with both feet to new projects and plans. When I make my mind up about something, I wanted it done yesterday. When I read, I ...