Have you ever flown in a plane and heard the instructions about oxygen masks? You know, the one that tells adults to put masks on first, then assist children? There is a reason for that. If the adults pass out from lack of oxygen, then they can't assist the children. In order to be a help, adults ...
Illustrated Faith
Sunday morning, I hit snooze a few too many times on my alarm. When I finally rolled over, it was 8:24. Justin had to be at a meeting at 9:00, so he jumped in the shower first. I woke up the girls and got breakfast going and took my shower as Justin left to go to his meeting, which left me with all ...
Why I Love Amazon Prime
It's no secret that I love my Amazon Prime* membership. I take full advantage of it and so, to me, it's definitely worth the $99 yearly fee. After looking over my recent orders, I thought I needed to share with you why I love Prime, as well as a few things I've purchased this month. Lots of ...
That’s What She Said, September edition
It is a constant circus around here. I would like to say there is an order to our chaos, but that wouldn't be true. This family of mine surely keeps me on my toes. Please, be entertained by our September edition of Thats What She Said. Even if there is a 'he' thrown in there :) In ...
Bedtime Struggle
I'm just going to be real with you for a minute. Lately, I have completely failed at bedtime. I don't mean I've failed at getting the girls to bed at a decent time, but that I have failed to be a good mom at bedtime. It happens like this. I know that there are going to be issues at bedtime. I ...
Football Saturdays Down South
Football Saturdays down south are serious business, y'all. Every Saturday, from September through November, our schedule revolves around football. Alabama football, of course, because that's who we cheer for. But also every game that's played in the SEC. Football is serious in the south. In ...