Big Hearted. Lipstick Lover. Diva. Performer. Six years ago today, at 12:47 p.m., Libby Brooke joined our family. You can find her birth story here. A few things about Libby: She is super tender-hearted. One stern look from her dad or I and she breaks down. She still gets in the bed ...
Pregnancy Update: 13 Weeks
It's Official!! Today, I am 13 weeks pregnant. Officially past that first trimester mark. (Photo above courtesy of only took 20 tries to get a non-blurry photo!)Due Date: February 3, 2015Baby Size: 3 inches long, about the size of a peachSickness: I am ...
I know I've done this twice before, but pregnancy is ex-haust-ing!! Even more so the third time around. So please forgive my lack of posting--I've been doing lots of sitting around, eating, and sleeping....oh and, you know, growing a baby :)We spent a few days around the 4th snuggling with ...
A Stuffed Animal Birthday Party
About two weeks ago, the girls started talking about hosting a birthday party for their stuffed animal, Cherry. Invitations were handmade. They both spent several hours in K's room building a piñata for the party. After two weeks of planning and creating, Libby decided on a date. ...
Words + Photos: Summer Edition
I've been horrible at keeping you updated this summer. That goals list I had all planned out? It hasn't even begun. For some reason, all I want to do is sleep....and eat! So here is a quick recap of our summer, with words and photos.Right after vacation, I had a spa day with ...
2014 Quarterly Book Rewind, Part 2
I made a point, during this second quarter of 2014, to read a few nonfiction titles amongst all my fiction ones. I tried my best, and a few were actually completed. Each book is linked through Amazon, in case you want to form your own opinion. (And help me out in the process-they are ...