For the past several years, we have created a Summer Manifesto. A list of things we want to do over the summer break. (You can find 2012's here. Apparently, I never posted 2013's.) We've been pretty successful getting these things accomplished in the past, and I have super high ...
Project Life Tuesday
This post brought to you from the beach--rainy weather and all. (Hopefully, the weather will clear up sometime tomorrow!) Last week's PL layout had fewer pictures, but I think I like it that way. I still have weeks 2, 3, and 5 to complete to be caught up and finishing those layouts are ...
Summer Reading List
We have two separate reading lists for the summer, mine and the girls. For the girls list, we sat down and talked about books they would like to read. They came up with a few and then I did the whole nerdy-mom thing and gave a few booktalks on ones I thought they would like. From ...
Friday Links and Loves, 7th ed.
LinksThe Problem with Not Having Any Losers <--Can I get an AMEN to this post?How to Help A New Mom over at Neon Fresh. This post caught my eye because I have several friends expecting in the near future, and helpful tips are always welcome.When It Feels Like Everyone is Bigger, Better, ...
Memorial Day Beach Trip
Over the long Memorial Day weekend, we went down to the beach to hang out with Justin's family. His sister, her husband, and their sweet baby boy drove over from Arkansas. His parents drove down, too. We spent most of our time stealing sweet baby snuggles. The girls turned ...
Project Life Tuesday
I took it way back to Week 1 this time. Week 1 and the current week, 21. Week 1 is completed with the Kraft kit, but I pulled out the Amber Edition with Week 21. I know now why I struggled using just one kit--I feel like I repeat my favorite pieces over and over. Having ...