Our original vacation plans only included 3 days at Universal Studios. It really hurt my heart that were were going to be SO close to Disney and not see Anna and Elsa, who just happen to be our favorite. If you've ever been to Disney though, you know that going for only a day is much ...
Orlando Vacation, Part 1 (Universal Studios Tips)
We left Saturday morning around 5 am and began the LONG drive to Orlando. We stopped at the Florida sign for our traditional photo.Don't you love the "Open For Business" sign above our heads? :)We didn't get to our hotel until late, so we spent the first night just getting settled. Shout ...
From the Camera Roll: Pre-Spring Break edition
This post was supposed to go out on Saturday, but like the slacker I am, it didn't happen. Let's just pretend it's Saturday as you read this post, ok? :)Today, we are on the road to Orlando with my parents and sis. Lookout Universal Studios! I thought it would be a good idea to do one more 'from the ...
It’s A Good Morning
This morning was rough. My first-born child, the one who exists in her own world, who never cares about the opinions of others, who dances to the beat of her own drum and accepts anyone who wishes to dance with her… this child of mine was in a mood. I’m not sure what started it, but it ...
From the Camera Roll
Build-A-Bear... just for fun.New bedspread. Not sure what happened with the lighting before photos, but I promise the 'after' is actually brighter in real life! :)Our favorite thing to do in the spring-- pick buttercups! So glad for these boys who love us!K brought home Arthur this week. ...
Field Trip Fun
Second graders took a trip to the Soil and Water Conservation in our area today. They learned all about animals, habitats, and plants that are native to Alabama. We walked along a path and then climbed into a 'lookout' with a gorgeous view.We watched as a guide dug through the swampy water and ...