On our trip to Callaway Gardens, we drove about 15 minutes south to explore the Pine Mountain Animal Safari. It is a drive-through safari and zoo. This is the entrance. They have a cattle gap that makes it impossible for the animals to get out, but all those animals are right there ...
Callaway Gardens Weekend Getaway
This weekend, we traveled to Pine Mountain, Georgia. It was about a 4 hour trip and we didn't leave until after school. With the time change, we arrived at the Mountain Creek Inn around 10pm, Eastern Time. We checked in, went to our rooms, and fell straight into bed. The room was pretty ...
Eight Confessions and a Promise
Confession: This is what the planter on my front porch looks like. Apparently you have to water pansy's to keep them alive. Who knew?Confession: I have a cleaning lady. She comes to my house every other Friday, and it makes my heart so happy when I walk in and smell ...
Our #MLK Day. Pictures + Words.
We started out our holiday break by sleeping until 8:45. Yes, you read that correctly-- 8:45! Yay!! When we finally got moving, the girls requested a nutritious pancake breakfast. (Just kidding about the nutritious part--I didn't sneak anything in there, unless you want to count the ...
I’m “The Mom” and other randomness
OK so I mentioned in my last post, which just happened to be several days ago (so much for posting daily) that I am trying to be a little more healthy around here. Now, I am not and will probably never be on the clean eating kick. I just love tacos and popcorn and Dr. Pepper and nachos ...
Celeb Look-Alike
This week, we've been doing a lot of this:Getting back into the routine (this is the first full week of school since before Christmas) has been tough! After school, dinner, and homework, we all just want to crash. On top of all that, K got the nasty stomach bug on Tuesday afternoon and ...