If you've never owned a dog, you cannot understand how much love we have for this beast. We brought him home as an 8 pound puppy, and now, at only 9 months, he is a whopping 70 pound lap-dog. He does not understand that he is BIG. He jumps up into our laps and almost flips us out ...
Week in the Life: Finalized album
Digital scrapbooking is the way to go. It's super simple if you don't have "time" to play around, but then vast enough that you can add-to your pages as much as you want to. For this album, I downloaded Ali Edwards page templates and simply plugged my photos in. Easy peasy. I ...
A Library Visitor and Cute Target Stuff
Let me start this post by saying I know these photos are completely crappy. Yes, that IS a snake. Thus the reason for the crappy photos--I wasn't getting too close!Yesterday, as I was walking through the library, I noticed what I thought was a rubber snake in the floor. I thought ...
Cookies with Gra-Gra
Last night, the girls made Elephant Ear Cookies with Gra-Gra. (I apologize in advance for the blurry phone photos. I have GOT to upgrade my phone!)In a microwave bowl, mix together milk, butter, and salt. Microwave for 1 minute.Add cocoa and sugar. Microwave for 6 minutes.Add ...
Sassy Libby
This little girl is SO sassy! The other day, she saw her name written on a piece of paper. She knew that it said Libby, but she wondered why it didn't have her middle name too. Justin was going to help her spell her middle name, which is Brooke. She, with TONS of attitude, propped ...
Week in the Life: Sunday Words + Photos
6:15 a.m. Hit snooze once.6:25 a.m Fly out of bed because I'm supposed to meet my friends for a run in 5 minutes :)6:40 a.m. 6 miles in 49:01. (I'm trying to brag, but then Justin reminded me that 6 miles is LESS THAN HALF the distance I have to go for the half. Shot ...