I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel SO on top of things. Supermom. The past few weeks have NOT been one of those times. I can't seem to stay afloat since Spring Break. My laundry room is overflowing, the house is cluttered, and we are constantly on the go with K ...
We’re Alive, We’re Alive!
I apologize for the lack of posts this past week-- our family has been busy vacationing for Winter Spring Break. The weather, even in Orlando, Florida, was in the upper 70's. Not exactly what I was hoping for so far south, but whatev's. I'll be back soon with stories of us getting ...
Project Life 2013…….. My Process (or lack of!)
Hi. My name is Courtney and I am addicted to digital kits. Seriously, I can't pick a favorite. This has always been a problem for me--I just like everything! I have purchased Clementine and Amber project life kits, and several other regular kits. They are just so cute ...
Digital Project Life, Week 11
Eleven weeks and I'm still going strong! LOVING this project!Left side:Right side:Again, I used lots of the Walnut Grove kit, like last week. I have given a lot of thought to my "process", (as random as it is) and plan to share that later this week, so check back :) ...
30 Before 30…. #3, FAIL
As I was pulling into the Target parking lot today, there was a lady standing on the outskirts with a cardboard sign reading "I have no home, no money, and 2 young children. Please help." She was dressed very sparsely and had an infant in her arms. She looked like she hadn't bathed ...
Digital Project Life, Week 10
Left side:Bottom right photo: There is so much more to this story than the photo and small 3x4 journaling could tell. I plan to include a 5x7 insert with the stories of these two little ones, with their photos on the back side. When this gets done, I'll share.Right side:I bought a ...