I hosted a "Favorite Things" party at my house last night. (If you have't heard of them, check pinterest or google it--you'll find tons of posts and pictures.) The guest of honor was my friend Carrie, who is one of the strongest and bravest women I know. We were celebrating her 1 ...
Monday Memories (A December Daily 2012 post)
As promised, here are this week's December Daily pages. And on Monday, just like they are supposed to be. Almost makes me feel all grown up to be able to post on a schedule like this :)December 3rd:December 4th:December 5th:December 6th:December 7th:December 8th: ...
Completely Wonderful
Have you ever been out and about and just happened upon something completely wonderful? That happened to us last night.We were originally supposed to go to Nashville this weekend for shopping and to see the Rockettes, but when Kyndall got sick those plans had to be cancelled. So last ...
Elf on the Shelf Shenanigans, Take Two
Our elf, Messy, is still a HUGE encourager in the morning wake-up routine. The girls can't wait to see what she has done during the night. This week she has turned our milk green,toilet papered our Christmas tree,hung out in the stockings,delivered a new book,and made a powdered sugar ...
Yesterday was one of those days that just went smoothly. School and work--great. Basketball practice--great. Work on some shirts at the boutique--great. Come home to fix supper, Kyndall starts crying and BAM, 102 fever. Hello flu-bug!Did you catch the part about ...
Welcome to the world of Apple…
....computers, that is.The girls fell asleep early Monday night. Around 7:30, which is a record for them. I didn't know what to do with myself. After about 10 minutes of piddling with dishes and picking up, etc., I grabbed a Dr. Pepper, a bag of chips, and my laptop and then ...