Yesterday was one of those days that just went smoothly. School and work--great. Basketball practice--great. Work on some shirts at the boutique--great. Come home to fix supper, Kyndall starts crying and BAM, 102 fever. Hello flu-bug!Did you catch the part about ...
Welcome to the world of Apple…
....computers, that is.The girls fell asleep early Monday night. Around 7:30, which is a record for them. I didn't know what to do with myself. After about 10 minutes of piddling with dishes and picking up, etc., I grabbed a Dr. Pepper, a bag of chips, and my laptop and then ...
Monday Memories (A December Daily 2012 post)
Day 1 and 2 of my 2012 December Daily album are mostly finished. I say mostly finished because there is a slight chance I may go back and add some clip-art or pattern papers before sending them off to the printer. But I probably won't. Here we have December 1st:And December 2nd:Instead ...
Elf on the Shelf Shenanigans
Our Elf on the Shelf, Messy, made her appearance this week. Sometime during the night of the 25th, she came down from the North Pole to stay with us for a while. She wrote this letter to the girls:Since then, she has taken a marshmallow bath,hung out in the freezer (missing the ...
The Post I Have to Write
A year ago tonight I was lying in my bed, praying harder than I had ever prayed in my life. I was terrified and there was nothing I could do but beg God to calm my fears and take control of the situation. The next morning, on November 28, I was scheduled for a major surgery at Huntsville Hospital. ...
December Daily 2012
Two years ago, I joined in with Ali to do a scrapbook album titled "December Daily." It was really fun, and especially sweet to look back on. I love that I have that to set out as part of my Christmas decor, and guests can look back on our Christmas memories from 2010. ...