I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends this year! We ate way too much food, had way too much fun with our families, and laughed way too much during our Black Friday shopping extravaganza. We go Black Friday shopping just to laugh at all the crazy people ...
Libby’s Thanksgiving Snack
L's school had a cute little Thanksgiving snack today. They sang a few songs and then got to munch on some super cute (and tasty) snacks. Here are the pictures: ...
A post from the history books….
When checking my old email address the other day, I ran across this old blog that I had started over a year before I started this blog. I didn't want to lose that information, so I just copied and pasted it here. Not sure how well this is going to work, so the actual link ...
The History of Thanksgiving
K's first grade program was tonight at school. I have been absolutely down and out all weekend with a horrible kidney infection and actually spent the entire day of her program in the ER having my appendix checked, but that's another story for another day =). The program was on the ...
Basketball Beginnings and laughter from Libby
This is the first year for K to play basketball-- and she is LOVING it! They've had a few practices and one practice game, but their first season game was yesterday. She did SO good--no goals, but a steal and several good passes. Not bad for a basketball beginner :) Here she is, ...
I come from a relatively small family. I have one sister and six first-cousins, four of whom are MUCH younger than I am. So it was a completely new experience to me when I met Justin’s family and he had four brothers and sisters and six first cousins. And they are SO CLOSE.Now, the ...