Have you ever been out and about and just happened upon something completely wonderful? That happened to us last night.We were originally supposed to go to Nashville this weekend for shopping and to see the Rockettes, but when Kyndall got sick those plans had to be cancelled. So last ...
Yesterday was one of those days that just went smoothly. School and work--great. Basketball practice--great. Work on some shirts at the boutique--great. Come home to fix supper, Kyndall starts crying and BAM, 102 fever. Hello flu-bug!Did you catch the part about ...
The History of Thanksgiving
K's first grade program was tonight at school. I have been absolutely down and out all weekend with a horrible kidney infection and actually spent the entire day of her program in the ER having my appendix checked, but that's another story for another day =). The program was on the ...
Basketball Beginnings and laughter from Libby
This is the first year for K to play basketball-- and she is LOVING it! They've had a few practices and one practice game, but their first season game was yesterday. She did SO good--no goals, but a steal and several good passes. Not bad for a basketball beginner :) Here she is, ...
A political rant from the not-so-political media specialist
Please pause while I step up to the podium.I don't usually get into politics much. As a matter of fact, the presidential race is the only thing "political" I ever pay attention too. I actually even watched the presidential debate this year, for the first time ever. It feels ...
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip at 4D Farms
Kyndall's class ventured out on a pumpkin patch field trip on the absolute, most coldest day we have had yet this year. I think the temperature barely reached 45 degrees and the wind was blowing 120 miles an hour. Seriously. The weather was absolutely miserable, but the field trip ...
To The Beach and Back
No, we didn't actually make a trip to the beach this weekend, but with all the miles we put in with trips from the old house to the new, we probably racked up the same number of road miles. "To the beach and back" is Libby's new way of saying she loves you a lot. She'll look up and smile ...
Her Moment Of Fame
Kyndall was on our school's morning news show this morning talking about how she is a leader. See her here:http://westmorganelem.al.mce.schoolinsites.com/?PageName=LatestNews&Section=LatestNews&ItemID=221122&ISrc=School&Itype=News ...
Friday Free-For-All
It's been awhile since I've done a wrap-up post, and boy do I have a lot to catch up on!! Kyndall is sailing right along in first grade, loving every single second. Libby is treading water in Pre-K... some days are great, some not so much. Shirts have been trucking along full speed, ...
Grandparents Day Celebration
Yesterday was Grandparents Day. Our church celebrates with a HUGE lunch to honor all the grandparents. Kyndall and Libby were blessed to have 7 grands and greats in attendance. ...
First Grade
It's the FIRST day of FIRST grade...... (sung to some made-up tune in my head, of course). Check out the backpack. She also has the matching lunchbox.With Carter and Harrison.The crew. K has 7 teachers kids in her class this year, and she is the only girl. But that's nothing ...
Our Week in A Nutshell
I recently read a blog post titled "5 post ideas for when you have nothing to say." It made me giggle. I have plenty to say, just no time to say it! :)In the past week, we have had two birthdays (Mallory's and my mom's); 2 soccer games, Kyndall's open house at school, a full week back at ...