If you know my Libby at all, you know she has a flair for drama. And, God love her, she says hilarious things EVERY SINGLE DAY and doesn’t even know they are funny. At the risk of her future embarrassment, here are just a few giggle-worthy conversations.
Kyndall came running in the bathroom the other day, with Libby right behind her, crying big huge crocodile tears. Kyndall tells me that Libby said “B***H.” To which Libby quickly responds, “I asked her if B***H was a bad word. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to say B***H! Linda said B***H at school and Seth said he was going to tell on her for saying B***H but I didn’t know B***H was a bad word!”
And just like that, my sweet precious six year old has said B***H no fewer than twenty times in a five minute time span. And this from a child who thinks mama is cussing when I say “crap!”
As I was changing Jase’s diaper, Libby looked at his “boy part” and very seriously asked if she and Kyndall looked like that when they were babies. That one required some explaining (again!) on my part.
And then, when I was nursing Jase:
L: Mommy! He is sucking just like a hooker!
Me: Say, WHAT?!?!
L: Like a hooker bear. You know, on the Flinstones.
Me: No, I don’t know. And we probably shouldn’t say that anymore!
If you happen to know what a hooker bear is, please pass that valuable information on to me!
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