Wednesday morning began much like the rest of the week. Everyone up, showers, breakfasts. Today, Meme came to the house to keep Jase, so I didn’t have to pack his bag or get him dressed for the day. Libby whined all morning long about a sore throat. (Libby isn’t usually the best at mornings so I didn’t think anything about it.)
There is an entire extra bed and an extra leg of this couch that one of the girls could sleep on, but they insist on sleeping side by side. This is the beauty of sisters.
At school, I had a meeting with Scholastic about an upcoming book fair. Libby came to see me in the middle of my meeting, around 9am, again complaining with a sore throat. Like the good mama I am, I shared my Mt. Dew and sent her back to class. (No fever, no missing class.) A few minutes later, when the meeting was over, I walked down to check on her. She looked like she didn’t feel well, and since she was sick all last week, I decided to call the doctor. Of course, the doctor wanted to see her. I walked back down to her room to tell her teacher she would be checking out and when I hugged her, she felt warm. The nurse confirmed a 101 degree fever.
I called my emergency help—Meme–and she came to take Libby to the doctor. The verdict? Strep throat. Yep, good mama I am. Sheesh. This is how she was when we got back home from school:
Hannah took Jase outside to play so I could love on Libby for a few minutes. Another great thing about living with my parents right now? There is never a shortage of helping hands!
Wednesdays are our Jayden-days. He usually comes home with us a few random days a week, but he always comes on Wednesdays. He comes home with us after school and we take him to church and then back to his home afterwards. We so love this sweet boy and his mama!
I took the big kids to meet Justin at Jack’s and he took them on to church. I spent some time with Libby. Jase curled up with Pops in his recliner and read a few books, watched a little tv. Jase has become really attached to Pops over the last few weeks. Sometimes I think he even prefers him over me, which is so not ok.
Kyndall and Justin were back home around 8, so we took a few minutes together to talk about our day. The girls were asleep by 8:30 and I fell asleep while trying to get Jase to sleep, so I wasn’t far behind!
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