Starbucks has a secret menu. Technically, I knew this existed. I had seen the Pinterest pins, I had just never paid much attention to it. Then, a few weeks ago, a teenager came in church with her own coconut-frappe concoction and I was sold. To get rest, you have to schedule rest. As much as I would like to live a naturally restful life, I’m just not in that season of life right now. I’m sure, one day, I’ll look back and wish for the hustle and bustle of my life right now. I have to be intentional about my rest and that of my family.
Don’t eat empty inspiration. I read these wise words from Amber. I am constantly cramming my brain with ALL THE THINGS. It’s easy to go into inspiration-overload. I need to be more intentional about the things I look at.
Summer is not the time to be productive. For me, anyways. Maybe it’s the lack of routine the kids and I have in the summer, but it always happens. I start the summer with great intentions and this long list of things to accomplish and I end the summer with not a single thing checked off that list.
As always, I’m linking up with Emily P. Freeman (a few days late, because Disney through my blogging schedule all off!)
Just stumbled on your blog for the first time via Emily Freeman’s July recap and had to thank you (and Amber) for the four words “Don’t eat empty inspiration.” Sticky note + wall over laptop = now. I already knew that overload was wearing me down rather than building me up, but oh, how I needed those four simple words to hold on to. Thanks!
I know, Bethany! When I read those words on Amber’s blog, it was like a lightbulb came on! She’s a wise one, that Amber ?