Some mornings, my quiet time looks like the above photo: peaceful, actually quiet, and it’s awesome. Other times, the opposite happens–I have my bible out amidst mess and noise and chaos. In those noisy times, God still speaks, y’all. (He may have to yell a little louder, but he still speaks!) Note to self (and to you!): Don’t let the lack of actual quiet time stop you from spending time with God and in His word.
It’s always amazing to me how two people can react the exact same passage of scripture and get two totally different things out of it. A friend and I were discussing the past few weeks studies and I commented that a certain few of them didn’t really speak to me the way the first weeks’ did. She was surprised, because it was the exact opposite for her. While I found some earth-shattering thoughts in the stories of Eve, Sarah, and Hagar (and most recently Miriam and Rahab); she had similar responses to Shiphrah and Puah and Jochebed. And that’s why it is oh-so-important for us to do these things together–to discuss and dissect and share. Several points she found so great about those stories, hadn’t even occurred to me!
Some things I’ve noted lately:
- From Rebekah: God knows all the pieces of my story and He has purposed them for His glory. I loved this part: ‘We are all Rebekah’s, assuming control. We are all Esau’s wondering what we’ve done when ‘not fair’ moments come our way. And we are all Jacob’s, given the Father’s blessing when we’ve done nothing to deserve it.’
- From Leah and Rachel: What I see most in these two stories are women desperately trying to find worth in worldly things. The love of a husband. The honor of childbearing. I am reminded that my worth comes from being a child of God. He has inscribed MY name on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16). He calls ME by name (Isaiah 43:1). HE has deemed me worthy and nothing of this world can devalue that.
- From Miriam: Oh, Miriam, how like you I am. Wanting to be in control, to be the hero. To be recognized for my hard work.
- From Rahab: Rahab’s story is one of my favorite in all of the bible. It reminds me nothing we do is so bad that God cannot forgive and redeem. Also? Those labels I give myself (and others…ouch!) are incorrect in light of God’s labeling. And he calls me (and you, too!) redeemed.
Share with me–what has God impressed most on your heart the past two weeks?
I saw I myself as some of these women, always trying to place a label on my head….some good, some not so good… or letting others label me. Never good situations to be in because our only label should be “Child of God”.
The other point that stuck with me these past several weeks was the phrase “God was already at work”. Oh how I need to remember this! I often try to help God along with my situation or need when His schedule and mine just are not lining up together. Or, I just don’t stop and be still so that I can listen and hear what God is trying to tell me. It all boils down to patience which who among us has an abundance of this stuff???? I have to admit that at 49 I have gotten a bit, just a tiny bit, better but there is A LOT of room for improvement. I hope that I can remember that “God is already at work” before I even begin to think about whatever it is I am in the middle of.
I love hearing your take on this study! It is SO hard to let God carry our His plan in His timing!